Caminant Endins, Barcelona 2006
Sentieri del Cuore, Bergamo 2007
The collection of poems in the Catalan language contained in Caminant Endins reflect the personal inner journey of the author in his search for an existence in tune with his belief that life should be lived as a generous gift of self. The themes that come to the fore reflect the light which has its source in evangelical love and the joyous acceptance of his own limits and of human suffering. Together they emerge as a way of reaching interior harmony with the world and with the whole of creation. A journey which is at times lyrical and at times takes on the form of a dialogue, it can be considered as type of poetic diary. At its deepest level the book re-echoes a profound and uninterrupted dialogue with the only Friend who gives sense to every night and every day.
The book contains seventy-six short poems divided into three sections: Darkness at Dawn, Beyond the Horizon, The Light of the Stars.
The following are some poems and prayers which have been translated into English from the original Catalan.
Christmas Prayer
Son of Man
Come, Holy Spirit!